Erlang/OTP 19.3.2

This release of Erlang/OTP can be built from source or installed using pre-built packages for your OS or third-party tools (such as kerl, asdf or mise).

docker run -it erlang:19.3.2
Patch Package OTP 19.3.2
Git Tag OTP-19.3.2
Date 2017-04-24
System OTP
Release 19

erts-8.3.2 #

Note! The erts-8.3.2 application can *not* be applied independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 19 installation. On a full OTP 19 installation, also the following runtime dependency has to be satisfied: -- sasl-3.0.1 (first satisfied in OTP 19.1)

Related Id(s):

The +Bi command line argument of erl erroneously caused SIGTERM to be ignored by the VM as well as of all its child processes. This bug was introduced in erts version 8.3.

Full runtime dependencies of erts-8.3.2: kernel-5.0, sasl-3.0.1, stdlib-3.0