Erlang/OTP 21.0.6

This release of Erlang/OTP can be built from source or installed using pre-built packages for your OS or third-party tools (such as kerl, asdf or mise).

docker run -it erlang:21.0.6
Patch Package OTP 21.0.6
Git Tag OTP-21.0.6
Date 2018-08-24
System OTP
Release 21

crypto-4.3.2 #

The crypto-4.3.2 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 21 installation.


Update the crypto engine functions to handle multiple loads of an engine.

engine_load/3/4 is updated so it doesn't add the engine ID to OpenSSLs internal list of engines which makes it possible to run the engine_load more than once if it doesn't contain global data.

Added ensure_engine_loaded/2/3 which guarantees that the engine just is loaded once and the following calls just returns a reference to it. This is done by add the ID to the internal OpenSSL list and check if it is already registered when the function is called.

Added ensure_engine_unloaded/1/2 to unload engines loaded with ensure_engine_loaded.

Then some more utility functions are added.

engine_add/1, adds the engine to OpenSSL internal list

engine_remove/1, remove the engine from OpenSSL internal list

engine_get_id/1, fetch the engines id

engine_get_name/1, fetch the engine name

Full runtime dependencies of crypto-4.3.2: erts-9.0, kernel-5.3, stdlib-3.4

inets-7.0.1 #

The inets-7.0.1 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 21 installation.


Change status code for no mod found to handle request to 501

Full runtime dependencies of inets-7.0.1: erts-6.0, kernel-3.0, mnesia-4.12, runtime_tools-1.8.14, ssl-5.3.4, stdlib-3.5

ssl-9.0.1 #

The ssl-9.0.1 application can be applied independently of other applications on a full OTP 21 installation.


Correct cipher suite handling for ECDHE_*, the incorrect handling could cause an incorrrect suite to be selected and most likly fail the handshake.

Full runtime dependencies of ssl-9.0.1: crypto-4.2, erts-10.0, inets-5.10.7, kernel-6.0, public_key-1.5, stdlib-3.5